  • Flagstaff Festival of Science

Scavenger Hunt - 2025

Elizabeth Vogler
City Wide in Flagstaff
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Email elizabeth.vogler@scifest.org Call (928) 224 9504

The Scavenger Hunt is scheduled to take place on May 3, 2025 in a city-wide program. This dynamic event welcomes teams, guided by creatively designed clues, to explore various locations in our vibrant city while discovering scientific wonders along the way.

Please visit our website at http://www.scifest.org/ For questions, please email elizabeth.vogler@scifest.org

Your Contact Information


Registration Document

Step 1: Follow the instructions in the attached PDF to create a Discord profile so that you can play along on the day of the Scavenger Hunt.

Step 2: Please add the names and email addresses of each guest on your team.

Step 3: Read and initial indicating that you agree to the Liability Waiver.

4-person Team

Activity Price Quantity Total
Early Bird Team Registration $100.00
Enter for a team up to 4 persons to participate in the Scavenger Hunt on May 3rd. Deadline to take advantage of the early bird pricing is April 18.
  Total: $0.00
Total Amount Due: $0.00
   View Waiver    Initials: *